Las estadísticas:
Partidas terminadas: 1,118/1,218 (91.7%)
Ganadas o perdidas: 608/1,118 (54.3%)
Definidas por descalificación: 105/1,118 (9.3%)
Un total de 47 jugadores han conseguido su clasificación a las semifinales.
Algunos jugadores se han registrado directamente a las semifinales porque poseen un rating ICCF de al menos 2200.
A pesar que solo quedan 100 partidas por terminar aún debemos esperar antes de poder anunciar el término de las Preliminares.
Al parecer el modelo lineal no se ajusta a la sobrevida del torneo ya que el análisis muestra que debiera haber terminado.
Whether the participant passed qualification, but having more than 2200 can, to be declared in a semi-final having paid a contribution?
¿Si puede el participante que no ha pasado la calificación, pero que tiene más 2200, ser declarado en la semifinal habiendo pagado el pago?
Hi Vladmir, the answer is yes but with 3 clarifications:
1-If you played in many preliminary sections and qualified in more than one all qualifications are valid.
2- If you are rated more than 2200, and failed to qualify by playing the preliminaries you may register directly into the semifinals by paying the additional entry fee of 10 euros but only in 1 semifinal section.
3- If you are rated more than 2200 and did not play the preliminaries, you may register directly into one semifinal section by paying the entry fee of 20 euros.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Dear chessfriend!
I participated in 3 quarterfinals, but didn’t leave in a semifinal.I have now 2200 therefore I wanted to submit the application on 1 semi-final.Whether it will be possible to pay to a contribution?
¡Querido chessfriend!
Participé en 3 cuartos de final, pero no me fui en un semifinal. Tengo ahora 2200 por lo tanto quise presentar la aplicación en 1 semifinal. Si será posible pagar a una contribución
Hi Vladimir, I have updated our shopping cart to include the semifinals to the LIPEAD-40, you may register there:
Hi! According to the specified link, I can pay only 26 dollars. How to me to pay 10 euros?
Regards Vladimir
Yes, yours is an exception. Please use your Paypal account to send the money, if you want I can send you an invoice
Thanks, to you I will be grateful. Send me a bill.
I have created a page showing the players that have registered directly into the Semifinal stage due to their ICCF rating (at least 2200):
The contribution paid!
In Preliminaries I am playing in two groups. Is it possible to participate paying a contribution for one Semifinal (in one group I did not get through to the Semifnal) if I will go through to the Semifinal from another Preliminary group? Thank You in advance for Your answer!
Hi Ingus, yes of course it is possible when your rating is above 2200. Just submit the entry fee and you will get added to the semifinals waiting list, visit the «shop» to connect to Paypal.
Quisiera saber cuándo presentaràn el reporte 10?. Estoy ansioso por saber cuando va a comenzar la ronda semifinal.
Hola Angel,
Probablemente el Domingo porque regreso de viaje ese dia
[…] Reporte # 9 al 24 de Junio del 2013 […]